Why is so important to clean my beauty blender ?
How much time it takes to clean a beauty blender ?
What products should I use to clean a beauty blender ?
How do I clean my beauty blender using a liquid cleanser ?
- A liquid cleanser ( take a look above )
- A medium bowl
- Hot water
Fill your bowl with 2-3 cups of hot water and then add a half cup of your liquid cleanser . Submerge it in the water and start to gently squeeze and compress the blender so it creates a lather. The water should start to change color. Rinse the beauty blender until the water runs clear when squeezed out.
How often should I clean my beauty blender ?
Comments (5)
Oh! Thank you so much for all of this information. I will look for these products as soon as possible as i wash my beauty blenders with shower gels
Nice Information. Thanks for this Kind Information.
You wouldn’t believe how many people don’t realize all the gross icky things that are crawling all over our beauty products. So glad you posted this, it really helps younger girls become more “aware” of whats going onto their face besides just their makeup products. I hate it when people claim that a product broke them out, when the makeup artist that put the product on them hadn’t even cleaned their brushes in 6 months :/ :/ :/
Thanks for sharing! First time I’ve heard of it!
Hi there
Thanks for sharing, it`s not surprising that my face looks like someone threw grit on me.After reading your post, I tried hard to think when I last cleaned my makeup brushes or my mascara wand, and the answer surprised me “NEVER”
Dont tell anyone I said that.After reading your post, I`ll sure start taking more care of my makeup blender.Thanks so much for sharing